
MAY Seed is Among the Top 10 Companies in Sweet Corn Seed Business Worldwide


MAY Seed, Turkey’s largest, sweet corn seed supplier, continues its activities without slowing down as one of the 10 largest companies worldwide in the sweet corn seed business.

MAY Seed participated in the world's largest fruit and vegetable fair, Fruit Logistica, held in Berlin, Germany, between 7-9 February, to increase its cooperation and exports in international markets, and hosted many food industry professionals, seed dealers, and sweet corn producers from different countries at its stand. Yasemin Yalım, MAY Seed's International Sweet Corn Product Manager, stated that they had attended Fruit Logistica for the second time this year, and the fair was very successful. She further stated that food industry officials and professional visitors interested in agricultural production and trade from over 140 countries came to the fair, where there were fair participants from 94 countries, and that they had productive meetings with existing and new potential customers during the fair.

82% increase in sweet corn seed exports

Yasemin Yalım pointed out that they had increased their sweet corn seed export figures each year in line with their highly competitive seed varieties and marketing activities in international markets and said they had increased their exports by 82% in the last 2 years. Yalım also said, “As a result of the R&D activities we have been carrying out in the sweet corn type, our portfolio has been gaining strength year over year. The seed varieties in super sweet and normal sweet corn segments in our portfolio, which have high adaptability to different climate and soil conditions, superior cob quality and operating efficiency, and are delicious, are appreciated by producers and food industry professionals with their field performances. In 2023, we increased our international sweet corn seed sales by 33% compared to the previous year. We foresee an increase of over 30% in 2024. Meetings we held during the Fruit Logistica fair show that we will more than realize this target.”

“We are proud to be among the top 10 seed companies in the world in the sweet corn business.”

Yasemin Yalım underlined that, in the R&D activities of MAY Seed in sweet corn, they focus on developing competitive varieties supporting industrial production with their efficiency and quality. She continued, " We include varieties compatible with industrial processes, have ideal cob quality, have high operating efficiency, and are delicious in our portfolio. In the Fresh Market segment, we offer our producers varieties that can minimize quality losses in transportation and storage processes with their long shelf-life capabilities. Thus, we achieve steady growth with our strong variety portfolio that meets all expectations in the Turkish and global markets. As a result of our R&D and Marketing activities, we are proud to be among the top 10 seed companies in the world in the sweet corn business at the point we have reached today."

Yasemin Yalım said that, as MAY Seed, they export seeds and licenses to more than 45 countries, and they export Sweet Corn seed varieties to an extensive geography, from the EU countries, including Black Sea Region, to the Middle East, Central Asia, and African countries, and will also export seeds to another large geography from China and India to South America in the upcoming periods by continuing their R&D and marketing efforts comprehensively.