Quality & Assurance
We refer to the global standards of International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) to determine suitability to quality standards of seeds we produce in line with corporate values that do not compromise on 100% farmer satisfaction and quality standards and conduct our physical and physiological seed tests.

Over 38,000 Tests Annually!
At our labs in our Bursa and Adana facilities that are accredited by Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forests we conduct over 38,000 tests annually and introduce our seeds with high germination quality and genetic purity to farmers in Turkey and target geographies.

Continuous Development and Improvement
We systematically follow all processes the seeds we produce go through from field to package, from package to the land to become agricultural products. Our main target is to introduce high quality seeds with our farmers without errors thanks to routine controls of our Expert Process Quality Control Teams on production lines. All our processes are managed in line with Quality, Environment, and OHS standards announced by the ISO.
As a company that adopts constant development and improvement as a principle, our journey of quality based on volunteerism is certified by Bureau Veritas as in line with TS EN ISO 9001:2015, TS EN ISO 14001:2015, and TS ISO 45001:2018 standards.
We continue to present solutions providing competitive advantage to our customers in target geography with seed varieties we develop in selected crop varieties.

- Responding to changing and developing needs of our customers,
- Working with our suppliers in mutual cooperation and trust,
- Contributing to personal developments of our employees,
- Prioritizing teamwork,
- Eradicating waste and increasing efficiency,
- Constantly improving all our processes,

- Constantly improving existing Environmental Management System,
- Meeting all legal and other requirements on the environment,
- Minimizing pollution in its source, taking precautions to prevent environmental pollution,
- Optimizing raw material, energy, and natural resource use by supporting effective use and recycling activities,
- Controlling amount and environmental impact of all waste, ensuring their reduction,
- Developing information and awareness levels of our employees, suppliers, and customers,
- Protecting our environment and natural resources,
- Making an effort to be the leader in environmental activities in our sector.

- Constantly improving existing Occupational Health and Safety System,
- Meeting all legal and other requirements on Occupational Health and Safety,
- Preventing health deterioration and injuries of all our employees and visitors,
- Ensuring participation of all our employees and stakeholders and creating an environment of consultation,
- Eradicating potential threats based on working conditions and setting,
- Solving risks in their source to minimize them, preparing healthier and safer work settings.
- Developing information and awareness levels of our employees and suppliers,
- Creating a structure to intervene in disasters and emergencies, developing methods to minimize physical and moral losses,
- Making an effort to be the leader in Occupational Health and Safety activities in our sector.
Design, production in open field, processing, marketing, sales and technical support activities of Hybrid & Standard Agronomic and Vegetable seeds.
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 9001
Shareholders / StakeholdersExpectation / Conditions
- Profitability
- Effective Communication and Information
- Organization Adjusted to Development
- Qualified Employees
- Teamwork
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 9001
Employees and FamiliesExpectation / Conditions
- Safe and Healthy Work Setting
- Equal Opportunities
- Social Rights
- Education and Career Development Opportunity
- Effective Access to Work-Related Technical Information
- Appreciation
- Convenient Work Conditions
- Technology Use
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 9001
Customers / Final UsersExpectation / Conditions
- New and Competitive Products
- Rapid and Correct Delivery
- High Quality
- Accessibility
- Technical Support Before/After Use
- Rapid Solutions to Problems
- Flexibility / Competence to Meet Special Requests
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 9001
Suppliers / ContractorsExpectation / Conditions
- Regular Order
- Regular Payment
- Effective Definition of Work / Material / Correct Information Flow
- Safe and Healthy Work Setting
- Information on Rules to be Applied in Work Setting
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 9001
CompetitorsExpectation / Conditions
- Ethical Competition Setting
- Common Solutions to Sectoral Problems
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 9001
Local Government (Municipality, Village Governor)Expectation / Conditions
- Harmony with Rules of Local Government
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 9001
Public Institutions and Organizations(Min of Agr. & Vill. Wrk., Dis. Mngmt of Agr./ Min. Of Env. And Urb., Dis. Mngmt of Env., Min of Lbr & Soc. Sec., SSI, Fire Dept., Buski, Tax Offices, Min. Of Finance, Gendarmerie, etc.)
Expectation / Conditions
- Harmony with Legal Conditions
- Effective and Timely Legal Notices
- Effective Follow Up of Legal Changes
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 9001
NeighborsExpectation / Conditions
- Effective Emergency Management
- Activities Preventing Danger
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 9001
Banks / Finance InstitutionsExpectation / Conditions
- Regular Payment
- Effective Information Flow
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 9001
Sectoral AssociationsExpectation / Conditions
- Solution Support to Sectoral Problems
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 9001
Chambers of Agricultural EngineersExpectation / Conditions
- Employment of Agricultural Engineer
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 9001
Universities and Education InstitutionsExpectation / Conditions
- Approach Supportive of Student Development
- Cooperation in R&D Projects
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 9001
Organized Industry (for Adana Facility)Expectation / Conditions
- Effective Shipment & Vehicle Planning
- Effective Emergency Management
- Effective Information on Non-Routine Activities
- Activities Preventing Danger
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 45001
Shareholders / StakeholdersExpectation / Conditions
- Profitability
- Effective Communication and Information
- Organization Adjusted to Development
- Qualified Employees
- Teamwork
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 45001
Employees and FamiliesExpectation / Conditions
- Safe and Healthy Work Setting
- Equal Opportunities
- Social Rights
- Education and Career Development Opportunity
- Effective Access to Work-Related Technical Information
- Appreciation
- Convenient Work Conditions
- Technology Use
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 45001
Employee RepresentativeExpectation / Conditions
- Fair Election Setting
- Power of Representation for Employee Suggestion and Opinions
- Application of Suggestions for Safe Work Environment
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 45001
Customers / Final UsersExpectation / Conditions
- Rapid and Correct Delivery
- High Quality
- Accessibility
- Rapid Solutions to Problems
- Flexibility / Competence to Meet Special Requests
- Non-Hazardous Production Processes / Products
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 45001
Suppliers / ContractorsExpectation / Conditions
- Effective Definition of Work / Material / Correct Information Flow
- Safe and Healthy Work Setting
- Information on Rules to be Applied in Work Setting
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 45001
Local Government (Municipality, Village Governor)Expectation / Conditions
- Harmony with Rules of Local Government
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 45001
Public Institutions and Organizations(Min of Agr. & Vill. Wrk., Dis. Mngmt of Agr./ Min. Of Env. And Urb., Dis. Mngmt of Env., Min of Lbr & Soc. Sec., SSI, Fire Dept., Buski, Tax Offices, Min. Of Finance, Gendarmerie, etc.)
Expectation / Conditions
- Harmony with Legal Conditions
- Effective and Timely Legal Notices
- Effective Follow Up of Legal Changes
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 45001
NeighborsExpectation / Conditions
- Effective Emergency Management
- Activities Preventing Danger
- Noise-Free Work
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 45001
Universities and Education InstitutionsExpectation / Conditions
- Approach Supportive of Student Development
- Cooperation in R&D Projects
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 45001
Organized Industry (for Adana Facility)Expectation / Conditions
- Effective Shipment & Vehicle Planning
- Noise-Free Work
- Effective Emergency Management
- Effective Information on Non-Routine Activities
- Activities Preventing Danger
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 14001
Shareholders / StakeholdersExpectation / Conditions
- Profitability
- Effective Communication and Information
- Organization Adjusted to Development
- Qualified Employees
- Teamwork
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 14001
Employees and FamiliesExpectation / Conditions
- Safe and Healthy Work Setting
- Equal Opportunities
- Social Rights
- Education and Career Development Opportunity
- Effective Access to Work-Related Technical Information
- Appreciation
- Convenient Work Conditions
- Technology Use
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 14001
Customers / Final UsersExpectation / Conditions
- Rapid and Correct Delivery
- High Quality
- Accessibility
- Rapid Solutions to Problems
- Flexibility / Competence to Meet Special Requests
- Environment-Sensitive and Friendly Production Processes / Products
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 14001
Suppliers / ContractorsExpectation / Conditions
- Effective Definition of Work / Material / Correct Information Flow
- Safe and Healthy Work Setting
- Information on Rules to be Applied in Work Setting
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 14001
Local Government (Municipality, Village Governor)Expectation / Conditions
- Harmony with Rules of Local Government
- Effective Waste Management
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 14001
Public Institutions and Organizations(Min of Agr. & Vill. Wrk., Dis. Mngmt of Agr./ Min. Of Env. And Urb., Dis. Mngmt of Env., Min of Lbr & Soc. Sec., SSI, Fire Dept., Buski, Tax Offices, Min. Of Finance, Gendarmerie, etc.)
Expectation / Conditions
- Harmony with Legal Conditions
- Effective and Timely Legal Notices
- Effective Follow Up of Legal Changes
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 14001
NeighborsExpectation / Conditions
- Effective Emergency Management
- Activities Preventing Danger
- Noise-Free Work
- Effective Waste Management
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 14001
Universities and Education InstitutionsExpectation / Conditions
- Approach Supportive of Student Development
- Cooperation in R&D Projects
Definition of Relevant Party to ISO 14001
Organized Industry (for Adana Facility)Expectation / Conditions
- Effective Waste Management
- Effective Shipment & Vehicle Planning
- Noise-Free Work
- Effective Emergency Management
- Effective Information on Non-Routine Activities
- Activities Preventing Danger