Âlâ F1

  • Âlâ is a mid season and very high yielding processing tomato hybrid.
  • Healthy, vigorous and good covering plant.
  • Good colored, uniform and firm fruits.
  • Fruit shape is blocky and average fruit weight is 100-105 gr.
  • High Brix fruits.
  • Very good and quality fruit setting even in high temperature.
  • Good field standing ability.
  • Very good adaptability to different soils and stress conditions.
  • Suitable for both handpicking and mechanical harvesting.
  • Suitable for tomate paste, dicing and sun drying productions.
  • High Resistance (HR): Pst:0 / Fol:0,1 / Va:0 / Vd:0
  • Intermediate Resistance (IR): TYLCV / Ma / Mi / Mj

It may vary according to regions, ecology and maintenance conditions.

ala F1
ala F1
Variety Maturity Average Fruit Weight (gr) Fruit Shape Fruit Color Plant Habit Brix % Field Standing Ability Use Disease Resistances (High Resistance) Disease Resistances (Intermediate Resistance)
Âlâ F1 Medium 100-105 Blocky Good Vigorous High Good Paste, Dicing, Sun Dry Pst:0 / Fol:0,1 / Va:0 / Vd:0 TYLCV / Ma / Mi / Mj
Odak F1 Medium Late 70-75 Blocky Very Good Very Vigorous Very High Very Good Paste, Dicing Pst:0 / Fol:0,1 / Va:0 / Vd:0 Pi /Ma / Mi / Mj
Değer F1 Medium Late 75-80 Blocky Good Very Vigorous Very High Very Good Paste Pst:0 / Fol:0,1 / Va:0 / Vd:0 Ma / Mi / Mj
Lalin F1 Very Early 65-70 Blocky Very Good Medium High Very Good Paste TSWV / Pst:0 / Fol:0,1 / Va:0 / Vd:0 Ma / Mi / Mj
Arte F1 Medium Early 105-110 Blocky Very Good Medium High Good Paste, Dicing, Sun Dry PSt:0 / Fol:0,1 / Va;0 / Vd:0 Ma / Mi / Mj
Fullet F1 Medium Late 80-85 Blocky Good Very Vigorous High Good Paste, Dicing, Oven-Sun Dry Pst:0 / Fol:0,1 / Va:0 / Vd:0 Ma / Mi / Mj
Sanay F1 Medium Early 95-100 Cylindric Good Vigorous Medium Medium Paste, Oven-Sun Dry TSWV / Pst:0 / Fol:0,1 / Va:0 / Vd:0 Ma / Mi / Mj
Nish F1 Medium 80-85 Blocky Medium Medium Medium Medium Oven-Sun Dry (Yellow) Fol:0 / Va:0 / Vd:0 Ma / Mi / Mj
Külçe F1 Medium Early 130-135 Blocky Very Good Vigorous High Good Paste, Dicing, Sun Dry TSWV / Fol:0,1 / Va:0 / Vd:0 Ma / Mi / Mj
Tomar F1 Medium 110-115 Blocky Good Medium High Good Paste, Dicing, Sun Dry TSWV/ Pst:0 / Fol:0,1 / Va:0 / Vd:0 Ma / Mi / Mj
Consept F1 Medium 120-125 Oval Very Good Vigorous High Good Paste, Dicing, Sun Dry ToTV, Fol:2, Va:0, Aal TSWV, TYLCV, Rs
Variety Features
Disease Name Disease Races Abbreviation
Verticillium Wilt Verticilium albo-atrum
Verticilium dahliae
Fusarium Wilt Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Lycopersici Fol: 0,1,2
Alternaria Stem Canker Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici Aal
Bacterial Speck Pseudomonas syringae ppv. Tomato Pst: 0
Bacterial Wilt Ralstonia solanacearum Rs
Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne arenaria
Meloidogyne incognita
Meloidogyne javanica
Downy Mildew (Late Blight ) Phytophthora infestans Pi
Tomato Torrado Virus Tomato Torrado Virus ToTV
Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus TYLCV
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus